Victoria Drain-Drain was convicted of the murder of her cellmate, Christopher Richardson. Prosecutors say that Drain hit him on the head with a fan motor, stabbed him with a pencil and strangled him to death.
Donna Roberts-Roberts was convicted in the 2001 death of her ex-husband, Robert Fingerhut. Prosecutors alleged that she solicited her lover, Nathaniel Jackson, to commit the crime
Vixen Lucas (formerly Timothy Hoffman)-Hoffner and Archie Dixon (who is also on death row) murdered Hammer in Dixon’s girlfriend’s house and proceeded to rob him afterwards. Dixon’s girlfriend, Wilkerson, also participated in this crime, but did not hold a prominent role. They then took Hammer’s car and sold it for $2,800. While investigating the disappearance of Hammer, they arrested Dixon for forgery, and when asked about Hammer, Hoffner denied his involvement and implicated Dixon. In addition, he led them to the gravesite where they buried Hammer. Dixon implicated Hoffner, who was arrested shortly after, after he had confessed to the murder.