Carolyn was 14 years old when her remains were found in a rail yard in Baltimore. She was a freshman in high school and went by the nickname "peaches". Carolyn got involved with the wrong crowd and her parents sent her to The House of Good Shepard. Prior to her death, Carolyn testified in a rape case against a local mechanic, Ralph Garrett, who allegedly assaulted one of her friends and then later was beaten up by a boy. Approximately a week later, Carolyn told her parents she was going out with a friend, but never showed up. Around 7am the next morning a train engineer saw a body on the railroad tracks who was later identified as Carolyn Wasilewski. She had been placed there for the sole purpose of being run over by a train, however, the body was seen 17 minutes prior to the next train coming. Carolyn was covered in scratches and had some bruising, but no sexual assault was suspected. She did have a broken finger which indicated that she tried to fight for her life. Her shoes and skirt were missing, and the name "Paul" was written on her thigh in lipstick. The cause of death was a fractured skull and she also had broken ribs and a broken jaw. Police found blood on the railing of the bridge above her and believe she was thrown over. Witnesses saw a dark car on the bridge that sped away when another car came, which also ran a red light as it was speeding off. Police found blood and some of her personal items in a vacant lot near her home and determined that this had been the primary crime scene. Over 300 people were brought in for questioning.