Sara Ebersole disappeared in March of 2023 after hanging out with friends in Reddick, Florida. Sara was an exotic dancer and was said to have gotten into a truck with cowboys who were going to give her a ride. There are 3 individuals in Reddick that Sara was hanging out with that have been less than compliant with police. It is unknown whether she ever left that home or if she was hurt or injured there. If you have any information on what happened to Sara or if you know her whereabouts, please contact local law enforcement. Her sister is desperately trying to find answers into her disappearance. Sara's sister actually found the truck and the individuals that had given her a ride and they said that they were all hanging out until about 3am when Sara left in a blue sedan. Sara has a daughter who primarily lived with her father, however, according to her sister it is unlike Sara to just disappear and not answer her phone and contact family. Sara is 5'2", weighs approximately 116lbs, has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She was last seen in a white tank top and black skirt. She also has a Kokopelli tattoo on her lower hip.