In August of 2019, my friend's 19-year-old son Courtreaz "Treaz" Goldsmith was gunned down in the shores. Word on the street is that the attack was meant for the passenger that was with Treaz, however, the passenger went to the hospital and was released the same evening with non-life threating injuries. Treaz's car was riddled with bullet holes, the suspect drove by once and unloaded his weapon into the car, turned around and passed by him a second time where he unloaded again. There was an individual on Snapchat that was instigating Treaz's mother during the exact time that Treaz, but a few weeks later, that individual was also found dead. Law enforcement have yet to arrest any suspects in this murder. If you have any information, please contact law enforcement or use crime stoppers where you can remain anonymous. Although knowing who committed this crime will not heal his mother's heart, it will bring justice for the family and for Courtreaz. He had his whole life ahead of him and lost it in a senseless shooting.