Patricia Blackmon-Blackmon was convicted in the death of her two-year-old adopted daughter, Dominiqua Bryant. According to an autopsy report, the child suffered a fractured skull, several broken bones, bruises and a shoeprint on her chest.

Tierra Gobble-Gobble was convicted in the death of her four-month-old son, Phoenix Cody Parrish. According to a coroner's report, the infant suffered extensive bruising, and fractures of the skull, ribs and wrists. The cause of death was determined to be head trauma consistent with child abuse

Lisa Graham-On July 5, 2007, Graham was convicted of capital murder for persuading a family friend to gun Graham's daughter down on a remote dirt road in Russell County. Graham was sentenced to death.

Heather Keaton-In March and June 2010, Leavell-Keaton murdered her boyfriend's children, three-year-old Chase DeBlase and four-year-old Natalie DeBlase. Prosecutors allege that she put antifreeze in the children's food and choked them both to death.

Christie Scott-In August 2008, a blaze broke out at the home of Christie Michelle Scott in Russelville, Alabama killing her six-year-old son, Mason. Scott had purchased a $100,000 life insurance policy on her son 12 hours before his death. She was convicted of both the arson and the murder.