Scott Peterson-California 2002/Spousal Homicide and Paternal Filicide of an Unborn Child
Scott Peterson 2002
On Christmas Eve in 2002, Scott Peterson killed his 8 month pregnant wife Lacy, and dumped her in the San Francisco bay. He either strangled or suffocated her and then wrapped her in a tarp and attaching her to the boats anchor. Not only did he kill his wife, but also his unborn child Connor. A couple walking on the beach in April of 2023 found Connor. A day later, Lacy washed onto the shore one mile away. While I don't condone murder at all, why kill an innocent child? He could have waited one more month or simply asked for a divorce. He was having an affair and instead of coming clean and leaving Lacy, he chose to kill her in cold blood. I'm not quite sure how he expected to get away with it, maybe thinking he could spend the rest of his life with his mistress. Now he's alone in jail as he should be, no wife, no son, and no girlfriend. Lacys family will have to live the rest of their lives missing Lacy and Connor. Scott was narcissistic and selfish. Law enforcement automatically looks at the spouse first and he just didn't have a good enough story to cover up what he had done. There has to be a short circuit in someone's brain for them to believe they are smarter than the police and will get away with murder. With all of the technology we have available there really is no such thing as a perfect murder. Peterson was sentenced to life in prison.