Andrew and Abby Borden were found axed to death in their home in 1892. Andrew was found lying on the couch and Abby was found in the second-floor guest bedroom. The axe was found in the basement without a handle along with bloody cloths in a bucket. The primes suspect, Lizzy Borden, was the daughter of Andrew and stepdaughter of Abby. She claimed to be in the barn when the murders occurred. Lizzy claimed that the bloody cloths found in the basement were from her time of the month. The day after the funeral, Lizzy was seen burning a dress, but claimed she only did it because it had paint on it. A woman that witnesses claim resembled Lizzy attempted to by prussic acid the day before the murders but because it was such a lethal poison, there needed to be a prescription for it, so she was unsuccessful. Lizzie was arrested for both murders in 1892. Both skulls of the victims were brought into the courtroom; Andrew had been hit 10 times with the axe and Abby was struck 19 times. After three weeks in trial, the jury found Lizzy not guilty. Although Lizzy was found not guilty, people still question her innocence today. There were never any other suspects questioned or tried for this murder.