Jennifer and Sarah Hart along with their 6 children ages 12-19, drove their vehicle over a cliff in Mendocino, California. Neighbors, friends, and family said that the family presented as "picture perfect" on social media, but that things were not as they seemed off camera. Jennifer drove the GMC Yukon into the Pacific Ocean and what initially seemed like a tragic accident soon turned into a double suicide and the homicide of 6 children. Previous to this, Sarah had been charged with child abuse for bruises found on Abigail their daughter, then 6 years of age. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail for domestic assault and malicious punishment. Shortly after this, the family moved to Oregon and a decision was made to homeschool the children. Oregon CPS got involved and noticed that all of the children were much smaller than they should be age-wise. After this incident, the family then moved to Washington. The new neighbors stated that two of the children had come to their house asking for help. The kids begged the neighbors to hide food near the fence where Jennifer and Sarah would not see it. The Washington Department of Social Services made several attempts to contact the family but we're unsuccessful. The Hearts packed up their Yukon to head to California and had been on the road almost 2 days prior to the accident. Toxicology results showed that Jennifer was intoxicated when she drove the family vehicle off the cliff and they also believed the rest of the family may have been drugged. Sarah had phone searches that included how much Benadryl would it take to kill someone and how long does it take someone to die from hypothermia. She since had cleared the search history on her phone. Jennifer was the only person in the car wearing a seat belt-both her and Sarah were severely disfigured. A search ensued for 3 of the 6 children after the crash.