Melissa Drexler was 18 years old and at her senior prom when she gave birth to a baby in the bathroom. Maintenance workers were called to clean up the blood and found a bag with the deceased child inside. The baby had been born alive and then strangled to death. She concealed her entire pregnancy from everyone including family. She gave birth to a baby boy in the bathroom while her friends waiting outside of the stall thinking she was just using the bathroom. She cut the umbilical cord on the edge of the metal sanitary napkin box on the wall. She was initially charged with murder, however, pled guilty to aggravated manslaughter and was sentenced to 15 years in prison without the possibility of parole. Another mother who could have found a home for her baby, as there are so many families that would love to adopt a newborn. Instead, she chose to viciously strangle her newborn baby boy and bag him up like trash. During trial she admitted that she knew exactly what she was doing and that it would cause the death of her baby.