According to friends and family of Lacey, she was always good with children and babysat other's children quite often. She adored kids and could not wait to have one of her own. In 2008, she became pregnant with Garnett by the neighbor that she dated briefly. Garnett has several health issues and was in and out of the hospital for the first nine weeks of his life. Lacey posted about this on social media quite frequently. She stated that he had a lot of ear infections, would not eat, and projectile vomited frequently. At 9 weeks, he underwent a stomach surgery and then sent him home. His condition only worsened, and they airlifted him to another hospital. She continued to doctor shop and tell them that Garnet would not eat. She finally found a doctor that put in a feeding tube so that Lacey could at least give him the nutrients he needed. Doctors began suspecting Munchausen's syndrome which is when a parent purposely make a child sick for attention. Another red flag was the constant posts on social media asking for funds and posting pictures of the child in his worst moments. Garnett was admitted to another hospital where he began to thrive. His condition improved greatly. Within two days of being in the hospital, Garnett took a turn for the worse. They did multitudes of tests and found that his sodium level was 182, but 139 when he was admitted. The sodium levels had caused his brain to swell and he had to be put on life support. When detectives went to Lacey's home they saw an array of medication but also a container of salt on the counter as well. They also found a feeding bag that contained breast milk and salt in it. Lacey denied giving her son the salt. In a period of two years, Lacey took Garnett to at least 20 doctors and when she felt like they were getting close to a conclusion, she would switch him again. Garnett passed away at 5 years old due to sodium poisoning. Lacey was sentenced to 20 years to life for the murder of her son. She not only got compassion and finances from family and friends, but she also got the social media attention she was seeking so hard. In the end poor Garnett payed the price for his mother's illness and addiction to attention.